
Remote Control Shark

The shark game rotates 360 degrees

159 ر.ق

Remote control shark main function: can many people compete at the same time (no interference), imitate the swimming action of fish. Swimming on the water

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Remote Control Shark 159 ر.ق
Remote Control Shark
159 ر.ق

About the product

Remote control shark main function: can many people compete at the same time (no interference), imitate the swimming action of fish. Swimming on the water
The remote control can’t enter water.
Children’s play needs guidance from their guardians
It is not recommended to use in the sea to avoid being washed away by the waves.
The guardian should take good care of the child to avoid the child falling into the water.
The shark must be placed in the water for the engine to run normally
The shark can be controlled from a distance of 30 meters
Recommended for children from 7 to 12 or 13 years old
The shark game rotates 360 degrees
Appropriate charging time: 60 minutes
Rechargeable Lithium Battery: 3.7V
The game stays running for 20 minutes if the game is continuous
The lithium battery is protected and not affected by water due to the rubber cover

Package Content

User manual in English and Chinese USB charging head Rechargeable Lithium Battery: 3.7V remote control tool screwdriver Small plastic fans as decoration for installation shark game

Product Materials

Made of reinforced plastic

Additional information


Blue, Grey